
How to calculate the hesitation period ?

The next day for received well the goods, Is the first day of the hesitation period.  And so push for seven days.

如何退貨   Return policy

請於猶豫期七日內至官網www.argentda.com商店資訊中 「退換貨說明」下載列印「退換貨折讓單」並填寫完整的退換貨資訊 ,並請撥打客服專線,詳細告知我們換貨原因、商品現況、方便聯繫之市內電話、行動電話、及平日白天方便取件的地址(非超商門市地址),後續我們將安排物流人員於3-5個工作天內前往取件,若電話聯繫三次,未能收件需支付物流處理費。




How to apply for return

Apply to return or refund are base on within 7 days hesitation period, and Return of goods must in not opened in a brand new state.  Download and print out the “Return application form”via our website : www.argentda.com .Also fill- In the completely all the data.  Then please dia our Customer service hotline, tell them the reason for return or refund.  And please submit the contact telephone no or mobile ,  goods pick up address etc…. (please notice pick up address is not the Retail Chain Store address).

We will arrange for logistics personnel to pick up goods within 3-5 working days.

If we can not contact you over three times on the phone. Logistics handling fee will be charged.

According to the Consumer Protection Law provisions,

Consumers are entitled 7 day (including holiday) Appreciation period after the arrival of the goods.

To remind you:

The order amount of consumption less than NT$ 1000,  When processing the refund the order amount will be recalculated.


如何換貨    Exchange policy

請於猶豫期七日內至官網www.argentda.com商店資訊中 「退換貨說明」下載列印「退換貨折讓單」並填寫完整的退換貨資訊 「退換貨折讓單」連同商品包裝完整。 一併寄回至本公司驗收部,待驗收人員確認商品完整無毀損,將於7-10個工作日為您辦理退貨服務。 




( ※鑑賞期非試用比較期 )。


How to Exchange goods

Please be within seven days of the hesitation period.

Download and print out the “Return application form”via our website : www.argentda.com. Also fill- In the completely all the data.

“Return application form together with complete return’s goods”. Send back to our Inspect department. After inspection personnel confirmed to be complete no damage, will be processed dispatch to you within 7-10 business days.


1st Floor, No. 20, Lane 80,

Xingzhong Road, Nangang District, Taipei City(11509)

Customer service hotline : 0809082724

ARGENTDA Inspection Department.

(※ Appreciation period is not trial comparison period).

Appreciation period: to provide you with the appearance of reference, viewing, comparing tasting,

If the product does not meet your expection want to return,

Return the goods goods must in not opened in a brand new state.

Also including : Original delivery invoice , attachments, gifts etc.... are required to complete.

If anything is missing or has been used sorry you can not go through any procedure.



  • 襪子類及貼身塑身商品,貼身衣物關乎個人衛生,拆封後恕不退貨不換貨。
  • 如果您的退貨原因並非商品瑕疵或新品問題造成的,我們將不承擔商品更換服務。 


  • 實際收到的商品與所訂購商品不同型號時。
  • 商品有瑕疵或於運送過程中有損壞者




• Socks and body sculpting products, Due to Underwear relates to personal hygiene,

Not return without replacement after unpacking.

• If the return reason is not concerning for merchandise Or caused by new product issues, We will not be liable to replace goods and services.

As long as you meet one of the following conditions, We will unconditional return.

(shipping costs borne by the Company)

• When a product is actually received and a different item is ordered.

• The product is defective or damaged during shipment

If you have any unclear points in the shopping,

Please call or email inquiry, Our customer service staff will be at your service.



  • 依照消費者保護法19條規定,收到商品7天內,若對於商品有任何疑慮或瑕疵,可辦理退貨。您所退回的商品必須是全新的狀態(保持商品完整性)無拆封
  • 據消保法規定,凡購買之消費者均享有商品到貨後七天(包含假日)鑑賞期之權益。
  • 鑑賞期非試用期 )。
    鑑賞期係供您: 外觀參考、觀賞、品鑑比較、如商品不如您預期想退貨時退回商品必須是保持商品實體全新狀態未拆封,原商品內外包裝完子,及所有附隨文件。完整包裝及退貨銷貨折讓單、附件、寄貨單、贈品都需齊全,如有缺少或已使用過恕無法辦理任何程序。
  • 收到商品7天後,恕ARGENTDA無法進行任何退貨處理。
  • 如果您所購買的商品屬貼身衣物,例如塑身商品、襪子,訂購拆封後無法退貨。
  • 線頭、輕微脫線、尺寸差距正負1.5cm內、螢幕色差,非屬瑕疵範圍。
  • 請您收到商品後仔細確認並檢查商品是否有瑕疵、尺寸不合或缺件,請勿先拆除吊牌及固定紙卡,吊牌一經拆除或毀損、下水洗過的衣物將無法為您辦理退貨。
  • 會員訂購後若多次退貨及未收貨,造成作業上之困擾,可能會視情況決定是否暫停出貨。
  • 商品除與訂單記載不符、數量不一、瑕疵、配送遲延等問題之外,運費恕不退還。
  • 會員於一個月內消費且退貨二次以上,系統將自動暫停您帳號購物的權利,待釐清原因後再行開放您的購物權限。
  • 辦理退貨之服務,退回商品請務必上網下載退貨銷貨折讓單填寫,若我們收到的退貨商品與銷貨折讓單不符時,我們會再與您連絡確認。


About returns

• According to Article 19 of the Consumer Protection Act, If you have any doubts or concerns about the product, you can return it. within 7 days of receiving the goods.

Return the goods goods must in not opened in a brand new state.

• Consumers are entitled 7 day (including holiday) Appreciation period after the arrival of the goods.

• ( Appreciation period is not trial comparison period).

Appreciation period: to provide you with the appearance of reference, viewing, comparing tasting,

If the product does not meet your expection want to return,

Return the goods goods must in not opened in a brand new state.

Also including : Original delivery invoice , attachments, gifts etc.... are required to complete.

If anything is missing or has been used sorry you can not go through any procedure. 

• ARGENTDA will not be able to process any returns after 7 days after receiving the goods.

•  Socks and body sculpting products, Due to Underwear relates to personal hygiene,

Not return without replacement after unpacking.

• The thread head is slightly off the line. Within 1.5cm of the positive and negative dimension difference, the screen is color-coded and is not in the scope of the genus.

• After receiving the goods , please check and inspect for defects, sizes, or missing parts. Do not remove the tag and fix the paper card. Once the tag is removed or damaged, and  clothing washed will not be returned for you.

•Member orders such as multiple returns or not received,  Caused trouble for our process,

As the case may decide whether to suspend shipments.

• shipment of goods unless:  The order does not match,The quantity is wrong, defect,

Delayed shipments and other issues etc…. , the freight will not be refunded.

• Members such as the purchase order within a month and returned two more times.  The system will automatically suspend the shopping account.  The reason to be clarified after the opening shopping privileges.

• apply for return of service, return the goods

Please be sure Download and print out the “Return application form”via our website : www.argentda.com. Also fill- In the completely all the data.

If we receive the returned merchandise and sales discount does not comply, We will confirm with you again.